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Apex Legendsの人気の記事


リスナー全員にウォールハックを疑われたけど、マジでチート使ってないです| Apex Legends

Apex Legends
2024年03月26日 08:40

敵強い時と弱い時バラバラすぎて射線管理が死ぬほど面倒くせぇ...|4月11日「Apex Legends」まとめ

Apex Legends 強い
2024年04月11日 19:40

小指でCtrl押せないのは単に指が短いから|4月13日「Apex Legends」まとめ

Apex Legends ランキング 注目の話題
2024年04月13日 12:40

ニューキャッスルの紹介 | エーペックスレジェンズ キャラクタートレーラー

Apex Legends
2022年05月07日 08:40
Onii Chama2022/05/06(金) 11:29
His like a mobile Gibby mixed with a better rampart
alpha_animations2022/05/06(金) 10:57
Can you PLEASE make pheonix kits so freaking long to use. IVE DIED TOO MANY TIMES DUE TO IT
Apley Foxx2022/05/06(金) 10:57
Woah! Newcastle looks to be a fantastic and helpful Legend! Dragging the wounded to safety and awesome defence powers. Season 13 looks like it's going to be good! ????
carlos saunders2022/05/06(金) 10:48
Newcastle Wattson Gibby
Newcastle Wattson Valkyrie
Newcastle rampart ash
MR SIR2022/05/06(金) 10:46
Cool, can we please see a titanfall 3 trailer now?
DrCOVID_2022/05/06(金) 10:46
Lifeline was already at a low play rate. Now she’s non existent
So'kiel2022/05/06(金) 10:39
Suddenly the game has A LOT of shields
PROsthetic Pineapple2022/05/06(金) 10:46
Fortnite removing builds and apex adding them ?
Xavier Medina2022/05/06(金) 10:35
So hes a giant target lol
Nate Alistair2022/05/06(金) 10:35
I'm excited for the character but I'm still waiting for Jack using some exoskeleton Titan like Valkyrie
ORIGINAL DAKIDDER2022/05/06(金) 10:24
Now we need a support healer like lifeline that can possibly provide a larger area of healing as an ultimate and maybe tactical shot item that can boost health temporarily over time to only one selected target (allies or self or maybe misfire and you boost a creature in the environment or the enemy team by accident?)
Alex Ermakov2022/05/06(金) 10:16
Did you ever hear the tragedy of shields in Overwatch? I thought not. It’s not a story Blizzard would tell you.
InfectedNueroPathWays2022/05/06(金) 10:15
does this mean bangalore getting a rework or buff ?????
Lez Grey2022/05/06(金) 10:07
Where's the Jordy accent tho?
CoLoRs2022/05/06(金) 09:48
hopefully, he has a BBC.
SMOKEYZ2022/05/06(金) 09:38
who decided to add frozone into apex
Apex dude2022/05/06(金) 09:36
p a i n
Turbo Derbi2022/05/06(金) 09:15
goofy ahh running animation :skull emoji:
Sxpremecrocs2022/05/06(金) 08:45
How about instead of adding b-tec lifeline legends you remove the rampage?
Tyson Fausett2022/05/06(金) 08:43
It’s nice that they are taking ideas from other characters and making them better on a new character….
Dobermann2022/05/06(金) 08:04
I hope Respawn will add more legends to hold positions, Looking forward to trench digging ability and stationary weapons systems... to get my favourite game on the f*cking ground
Jamie C4 922022/05/06(金) 07:51
Why aye, man!
Shredder8782022/05/06(金) 07:30
lifeline mains mine as well uninstall now
khalid2022/05/06(金) 07:28
This must be the worst abilities ever, I mean his ult is literally a wall
Carrot Survivor2022/05/06(金) 09:38
You can lock onto team mates, reposition quickly, it slows enemies if they climb it, and knocks back enemies when you land on them with it
Thatn_ggajandro2022/05/06(金) 07:21
Bring back lifelines res shield you muppets!!
Ashyboi2022/05/06(金) 07:21
Lifeline: " You Took everything from me."
Newcastle: "I dont even know who you are"

Rip Lifeline, she'll never be the same again
NB Muffin2022/05/06(金) 07:20
Is no one mentioning that weapon isn't currently in the game?
Outv3rse2022/05/06(金) 07:07
Battle pass video coming soon.
RyZe4282022/05/06(金) 07:02
Just a buffed Rampart
Luke T2022/05/06(金) 06:59
Loving all the clear indications from the trailers that he is not what he seems.

The guy is the U.S. Agent of Apex Legends. He’s got all of Captain America’s gear and a friendly theme, but he also has the corporate backing and his taunt suggests he’s got conquest in mind.
Mirage2022/05/06(金) 06:56
Ok but this? We need more of this! I mean, a trailer narrated by one of the legends? Cmon this is awesome! much better than the boring comercial lady that hunts us since nfs. good stuff, goods stuff
Liger Sensei2022/05/06(金) 06:56
Were you influenced by Sam?
QwsXuEl2022/05/06(金) 06:55
Опа это же kay/o из валора ахах
Rationality2022/05/06(金) 06:52
rip lifeline
A. Waly2022/05/06(金) 06:39
Goodbye Gibi meta, I got bored of u.
Fikçi Tüpret2022/05/06(金) 06:37
Götten Çar
Matt_33432022/05/06(金) 06:37
Bruh they just copied the a wall from titan fall 2 online to apex but which more shield a bit mid
Porky 952022/05/06(金) 06:29
when come out?
LX Ranger2022/05/06(金) 06:26
Is newcastle jackson?

Because Bangalore said she knows who it is
Angel2022/05/06(金) 06:18
His shield ability would be perfect to clear a caustic bunker
JOWEN24K2022/05/06(金) 06:17
the fuse ult seems like a hard counter to the newcastle ult
Heru Odyssey2022/05/06(金) 06:12
If Lifeline's health drone gets the same movement as Newcastle's mobile shield that would be amazing.

Her drone is the only stationary heal in the game, besides wattson, but hers doesn't levitate
Eli garcia2022/05/06(金) 06:03
Dead Pirate Roberts2022/05/06(金) 05:56
Another black guy again?
Ty Rice2022/05/06(金) 05:53
If lifeline and gibby had a child this would be it?
FatherKisame2022/05/06(金) 05:45
Do these guys get killed in the games or is there some kind of tech that keeps them out of mortal danger?
Josh Glassman2022/05/06(金) 05:43
Watson and new castle and caustic would be a interesting team comp.
Phil KK2022/05/06(金) 05:43
Red Vega2022/05/06(金) 05:40
White Castle
JawnFPS2022/05/06(金) 05:39
Can’t wait to drag my downed teammates off the map.
Raul Mireles2022/05/06(金) 05:38
PhotographerX2022/05/06(金) 05:29
RIP Lifeline , hope she gets some love really soon

Newcastle feels like a "reworked" Gibby

He feels like he is op , I know everytime a new legend come out people say this but... come on... he is xD
César Florenciañez2022/05/06(金) 05:22
Cant wait to drag toxic teammates off the map ???
Power Nuke2022/05/06(金) 05:19
Rampart is soon to be useless and Jackson will be nerfed soon.
TRIPPY MLG Junkrat2022/05/06(金) 05:18
tbh hes gonna ruin the game i see everyones Excited but just you wait
Adam Black2022/05/06(金) 04:58
Apex wants people to like Bangalore so bad they literally had her dunk on the new legend at the end of their own release trailer. "I swear she's cool guys, please just listen to her tell me how a hop-up works for the 9 millionth time!" ?
Pedro Ramos2022/05/06(金) 04:56
I just foresee a ton of uselesses using this legend purely out of hype and not making proper use of his abilities.
Abel Alvarado2022/05/06(金) 04:36
New Castle look great! But please for the love of god, BUFF MY LIFELINE! Y’all gave Castle some of Lifelines kit, and with the smart loot bins, shes now so weak compared to other legends and her kit just isn’t viable anymore this far into Apex! All I’m asking is for a quicker health drone revive and the flashpoint as her new ult. I’ll be more than satisfied and that would allow me to love new castle and pair with him other that hate him flat out for stealing lifelines kit or just dropping lifeline and going to Newcastle. Which I don’t want to do since I’ve played her since release.
SOULREAVER6542022/05/06(金) 04:33
He just doesn't look very good
Shanksray2022/05/06(金) 04:32
Buff Lifeline
GreH KinG2022/05/06(金) 04:20
Can't wait for tryhards and what not to start complaining about this characters shields and nurf new castle till he has no shields and shield to use anymore.
Dogus Erzen2022/05/06(金) 04:12
Bring back the lifeline shield !!!!!!!
Raihan Maharaja2022/05/06(金) 04:11
Mason Scruggs2022/05/06(金) 04:01
ahmed X-mo2022/05/06(金) 03:59
PowerArmorMeow2022/05/06(金) 03:56
I don't really play apex. I don't like battle royale, but Newcastle seems fun...and suits me as a someone who wants to protect his allies. Like this character kinda makes me want to play.
Dejing X2022/05/06(金) 03:50
You can feel the hapiness of Bangalore in the trailer ...
The COOM Chalice2022/05/06(金) 03:50
Pretty cool how white people are nearly extinct in the Apex Legends/Titanfall universe
Matt Lodge2022/05/06(金) 03:44
Tank of all tanks.
cool TASHRIK2022/05/06(金) 03:33
that is the most useless ult i have ever seen in my life
b l2022/05/06(金) 03:23
Lavie c cool2022/05/06(金) 03:04
Well that’s just a better rampart
DeadShotS2022/05/06(金) 03:01
Buff crypto and Path
Simply Rem2022/05/06(金) 02:51
Pink Crochet2022/05/06(金) 02:49
I actually haven’t been this excited for a new season since season 7:D
Nik Las2022/05/06(金) 02:47
Everyone who thinks that character will be played over gibby is just delusional
Lucky John2022/05/06(金) 02:34
Excited very excited oohh yea ohhhhh yeaaaaa baby right thereeee!!!!!!
Deb R.H.2022/05/06(金) 02:22
Are all his shields why you guys keep nerfing Lifeline's?
hilos JOJO's2022/05/06(金) 02:12
Hola tengo un problema llevo jugando más de 3 meses jugando pero ahora origin no me deja iniciar sesión dice que el no se qué online no está activado actualmente algún consejo
D’Ante Gilbert2022/05/06(金) 02:08
Gibbson2022/05/06(金) 02:07
This is awesome, I remember saying a-wall back in tf2 should have a mobile shield but Newcastle had it and as an a-wall main it’s glorious
Swifix2022/05/06(金) 02:06
Bro his goofy ahh run bro
Churro2022/05/06(金) 02:05
Wow such new abilities totally didn’t get leaked a week ago
W4rch3st2022/05/06(金) 02:01
He is Bangalores brother
Michael Mc2022/05/06(金) 01:51
That ult range Is gona be a sweet reposition tool in cluth situations
Mugiwara2022/05/06(金) 01:51
Well he is going to be a Main Pick no doubt.
Fractal Wolf2022/05/06(金) 01:44
So.... they stole lifelines shield to give it to another character.....
EFE ERALP2022/05/06(金) 01:43
David Minarik2022/05/06(金) 01:36
still waiting for repair game... game works like altpha version
グーグルアース2022/05/06(金) 01:34
supermike1802022/05/06(金) 01:26
Wheres is 120fps for next gen ?
Leroy2022/05/06(金) 01:26
Definitely going to spam grenades as Fuse more often
Dai Tan2022/05/06(金) 02:37
his tact blocks off grenades
梅干丸2022/05/06(金) 01:25
Very Excited
iiHavoc2022/05/06(金) 01:24
Lifeline mains about to slowly move to newcastle mains cuz ik i’m about to if i like him?
SUSniley CODM2022/05/06(金) 01:16
Hey, I knew who the narrator is, ITS BANGALORE :D.I wonder why its different
bewitchedblood2022/05/06(金) 01:11
Everything he can do is already done by a different legend and your down teammates have a shield and can already move completely useless trash design
Schlagstock2022/05/06(金) 01:08
2mio in 22h not bad
Ayomidotun Leke2022/05/06(金) 01:08
I wished I had the PC for this game ??
VengyOpt72022/05/06(金) 01:08
RIP Lifeline! Nerfed her to the ground then make a new better character.
ElDiabloDonPablo2022/05/06(金) 01:04
ElDiabloDonPablo - Twitch



リスナー全員にウォールハックを疑われたけど、マジでチート使ってないです| Apex Legends

Apex Legends
2024年03月26日 08:40

敵強い時と弱い時バラバラすぎて射線管理が死ぬほど面倒くせぇ...|4月11日「Apex Legends」まとめ

Apex Legends 強い
2024年04月11日 19:40

小指でCtrl押せないのは単に指が短いから|4月13日「Apex Legends」まとめ

Apex Legends ランキング 注目の話題
2024年04月13日 12:40