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Dark and Darkerの人気の記事

/storage/images/category/26/dad 02.webp

Efectとかいう範囲型ダメージが割増しになるらしいけどライトニングストライクと爆発ってそういう扱いになるんかしら|4月14日「Dark and Darker」まとめ

Dark and Darker ランキング 注目の話題
2024年04月14日 08:10

コソコソしてるのが1番強いゲームの何が面白いんだよ本当に調整してるヤツらクビにした方がいいわ|4月7日「Dark and Darker」まとめ

Dark and Darker 強い
2024年04月07日 09:10
/storage/images/category/26/dad 01.webp

ウィズウォロローグレンあたり、PTならバードも有り|3月31日「Dark and Darker」まとめ

Dark and Darker 強い
2024年03月31日 09:10

FULL LUCK SET IS BUSTED (300+ LUCK) - Dark and Darker

Dark and Darker
2024年03月21日 18:10
@christopherowls-jd3us2024/03/21(木) 06:24
Luck is overrated
@christopherowls-jd3us2024/03/21(木) 06:16
How are they doing so little damage to you
@ApolloAdLunam2024/03/21(木) 05:37
The real Luck was the friendship (and PVP) we made along the way <3
@HappyPenguinStudios2024/03/21(木) 05:35
Opened a total of half a box
@gdolan92024/03/21(木) 05:18
Bro you killed the whole lobby 😂😂
@ericcordeiro37312024/03/21(木) 05:10
Eyyy shout out to the homie Euthafro!!! Warlock gang stand up!!
@gamezone53292024/03/21(木) 04:51
Can’t wait for wizards to get nerfed , it’s sad how overpowered you can get as a wizard and warlock now. Ruining the entire game atm but keep riding the meta wave I guess
@robertlees7982024/03/21(木) 02:14
I’m not sure if people have said it already but make sure when hitting pile you have top to bottom room in your inventory, 5x5 cleared out, if you have even one row of covered at the bottom then you can’t get a cinder and often times you can miss out on other big stuff like echo of screams, soul scraper, stinky stick, fulgor, etc. anyways awesome vid and insane pvp 😂
@9visuals392024/03/21(木) 02:12
yeah that spawn is so bad, first day i took 3 decent kits in and kept getting that spawn and dying after fighting 3 other fights
@VB2P3602024/03/21(木) 01:31
Golden Gloves allow Luck in the Glove Slot
@colin55512024/03/21(木) 06:25
No gold rn with no ruins and no one can craft gold stuff rn anyway with new quest system
@realawesome22112024/03/21(木) 01:29
Reached 380 on barb with potion chugger
@VB2P3602024/03/21(木) 01:27
bard rubbing his hands together I'mma loot even more than you with this build.
@gondie21222024/03/21(木) 01:17
Slayer fighters and Wizards are just abusing gobbo caves right now due to how broken they are. Its in a horrid state.
@RealNotASpy2024/03/21(木) 01:06
Goblin caves is just a battle royale, I’d be scared to bring a crazy kit in
@este77052024/03/21(木) 12:39
you need a 5x5 square to loot pile btw so just drop all the good loot u get from pile in a spot then trash somewhere else
@este77052024/03/21(木) 12:29
i had a 316 luck set 1 hour into wipe it was awesome
@awesomerieawesome21442024/03/20(水) 11:11
Already found two royal diamonds. So happy magic find is a thing now
@gameplayshuffleita9412024/03/20(水) 11:01
We need 5x5 cave!!!!
@Saucey-Boi2024/03/20(水) 10:48
Foxman uploads always make my day a little better
@rUSTYfrfr2024/03/20(水) 10:13
I had 332 on fighter last night 😮‍💨
@Christabub2024/03/20(水) 10:09
makes full luck set, then opens 2 chests all game lol.
@ryverryver61452024/03/20(水) 09:57
fun fact foxman is actually red dark and darker
@TiltedMarc2024/03/20(水) 09:54
10:15 The wallbounce lmao. Apex movement players coming over to Dnd after the recent hacking incident :D
@curiousotter2412024/03/20(水) 09:44
Why is everyone hating on goblin caves so much? I’m averaging 4 kills a game and loving it.
@curiousotter2412024/03/20(水) 09:48
Never mind I watched the video
@Tsukujoml2024/03/20(水) 09:34
foxman stream when ? :0
@TahitiSkeez2024/03/20(水) 09:27
1:00 I do this too. Why do we check the bolts and arrows? they only come in one quality. I check sometimes, and afterwords think to myself, "what did I expect? an epic arrow?"
@logbro70572024/03/20(水) 09:22
do we know if u can get uniques from the duo pile?
@Trizjoe2024/03/20(水) 09:07
You gotta have that 5x5 bag space for the pile my dude those not enough space warnings hurt my soul
@sauronstea17582024/03/20(水) 08:51
on my first match after wipe on wipe day i spawned with 3 other people inside the small barricaded room in cave hideout room, it was wild
@p3ace_12024/03/20(水) 08:42
yooo euthafro
@JELKEK2024/03/20(水) 08:20
7:10 the luck analogy LMAO are we both fried rn?
@Dekaabilly2024/03/20(水) 08:20
they had you playing tower defense in that elevator room lol
@alwayzlame92472024/03/20(水) 08:14
feels like luck doesn't actually work?
@snaztw72024/03/20(水) 07:35
Luck is bis
@jonb65642024/03/20(水) 07:33
they just patched one the GC maps for dropping garbage loot. this may have affected your run
@masonwoods85342024/03/20(水) 07:29
I'm definitely not a chad at this game, but I don't understand a lot of chad players looting strategy, I'm seeing you leaving behind pots, 1 slot treasure items, weapons that I know will sell for hundreds of gold, and you just leave it all behind, can you explain your looting a little bit?
@masonwoods85342024/03/20(水) 09:55
@@mellowdarkness3344nah man, I mean after he killed everyone. I’m not saying he did a bad job, I’m saying I don’t understand the loot prioritization
@mellowdarkness33442024/03/20(水) 09:22
I mean, he had to basically fight the lobby, probably a bit all over the place
@XxEpicPilot4UxX2024/03/20(水) 07:08
the spicy loot piñata build
@legrestti2024/03/20(水) 07:04
13:00 i think that info it's wrong 3.84 it means it's x 3.84 of the "base" %.
@bloodgharm2024/03/20(水) 07:03
ez 400 with a bard?
@Zak-jt6nk2024/03/20(水) 06:58
This shows how balanced goblin caves is for the average player you just need to 1 v 7 to escape
@vowish53192024/03/20(水) 09:55
This is so cancerous to watch they cant even touch u lmao the kiting is craaaaazy
@fdmugen47242024/03/20(水) 09:50
​@etr1us its an extraction rpg. There should not just be 1 winner
@vowish53192024/03/20(水) 09:49
Its mad fun if u dont like it , just means u suck :D
@etr1us2024/03/20(水) 09:37
well its battle royale game wtf you expect )
@MrFishdot12024/03/20(水) 08:29
I average about 4-5 kills a game as PDR fighter I just hit lvl 45 and I’ve only died 5 times all to warlocks/wizards. It’s INSANE how many fights happen
@Euthafro2024/03/20(水) 06:58
When you’re one of the boys 😎
@sweatydino76002024/03/20(水) 06:55
foxman vs whole lobby lmao
gg love u
@lokifoki80712024/03/20(水) 06:45
Buff Wizard, is too weak. Also, do you need to finish all quests to unlock new ones or there isn't a way of getting better stuff from the vendors?
@lokifoki80712024/03/20(水) 09:49
@@MontyTheBuoyant 🤣 absolutely, but there are people complaining about every class, so that was to whoever is complaining about wizards being weak.
@MontyTheBuoyant2024/03/20(水) 08:20
Hope you're joking about wizard
@xaedris2024/03/20(水) 06:43
I like the concept of luck but on goblin caves with being smaller and all now the pvp is alot denser as seen in the first game and that ive noticed.
@newwiy2024/03/20(水) 06:42
How do you get your game so bright
@GuitarsandTrails2024/03/20(水) 08:35
A lot of content creators for this game edit the video to make it brighter for viewers but what they actually see while playing is pitch blackness like we do
@CColetrainn2024/03/20(水) 06:41
Its not a 3.84 % increase, its a 3.84x multiplier to the original drop rate (%). Ex. hypothetically if you had a 1% chance of getting a unique from looting the gold pile, you now have a 3.84 % chance, or if you had 0.1% chance of getting a named weapon, you now have a 0.384% chance (these are not the actual drop rate values, just example values for explanatory purposes).

BTW that's awesome that you are pulling so many royal gems this early!! New meta for getting the gold chest via quests
@g.69912024/03/20(水) 11:59
​@@t0xicrunnernah the collectors discord literally don't know anything they just make shit up all the time these guys are right and the cumlickers discord is wrong
@t0xicrunner2024/03/20(水) 09:57
@@FoxmanSlaysthat’s unfortunately not even true. It’s more like 2x. Because blue purple and orange rates also increase. I could explain the math but basically the wiki and collectors discord have datamined it and mathed it out and it’s very bad at increasing high tier loot pools. Mainly good for getting greens and white gear out.
@FoxmanSlays2024/03/20(水) 07:14
Ye that’s what I meant, you’re 3.84x more likely to get it
@dustinchlystek51462024/03/20(水) 06:39
Welcome to new goblin caves. Where the pvp is enless and the points dont matter (until the 22nd)
@awesomerieawesome21442024/03/20(水) 11:09
It's the 22nd ust so it's actually like 6pm mountain time the 21st
@sillyrabbit23552024/03/20(水) 09:58
Except kills are going to give alot of points now
@dustinchlystek51462024/03/20(水) 07:25
@@400racr Early Access Season 2 starts
@400racr2024/03/20(水) 07:21
what happens the 22nd?
@9and12wholepizzas2024/03/20(水) 06:33
Bro you need a 5x5 for the loot pile
@wavys25432024/03/20(水) 06:29
the new arena mode is looking really crazy you fought off like 10 consecutive unrelenting waves of challengers
@hopsar87992024/03/20(水) 06:57
Not even a reward at the end smh
@josephmyles34502024/03/20(水) 06:07
Wizard King
@Snatut2024/03/20(水) 06:05
the flamewalker flame is really annoying lmfao, if u do it on a champion u can make a glowing sun cause the vfx stack, u legit just can't see anything if it's in ur pov
@Mr.Amitay2024/03/20(水) 06:02
in the first campfire it didnt do the sleeping animation but in the second one it did... lol
@NoNameLikeMine2024/03/20(水) 06:27
If you are against the wall it lays the sleeping bag out but doesn’t let you lay down
@mileyjames42292024/03/20(水) 05:54
Have you seen the new patch, spell predation warlock could be cool, you could take off buffs of anyone running at you, turn it all into shards and then bolt, demon form whatever. It might be really good
@Mr.Amitay2024/03/20(水) 05:53
42# video i tell foxman to keep saying yo in every beginning of a video
@vultrex18392024/03/20(水) 05:36
Legit the one game where meditate wouldve been better 😂. You killed the whole lobby gg
@GoobieFloobert2024/03/20(水) 05:32
10:30 luck doesnt do shit wtf I get the same if not better stuff with 0 luck😭😭
@vtomb86182024/03/20(水) 05:23
They just kept coming
@BornToKill7802024/03/20(水) 05:22
Playing with euthafro awesome
@BootleggedBatman2024/03/20(水) 05:22
Ngl that flamewalkwr bug is sick. They should make that an attribute in dungeons. Like make all enemies flaming, cold, lightning enchanted for high tier pve
@BootleggedBatman2024/03/20(水) 05:18
Been waiting for this build
@IHitCyberCams2024/03/20(水) 05:18
glad to see we both are enjoying wizard this wipe lol
@imabird61172024/03/20(水) 05:15
is luck gear going for good money? im not sure if i should save the luck gear i find.
@aryasingh33582024/03/20(水) 06:57
some pieces yeah, like on resourcefullnes rings
@yothatsmanny73832024/03/20(水) 05:06
Wheres the dude who makes the yo comment?
@joshuapattison29012024/03/20(水) 05:05
Love your vids bro
@jameswood15912024/03/20(水) 05:02
No luck on gloves is a scam.
@FoxmanSlays2024/03/20(水) 05:21
It doesn’t roll on gloves :(


/storage/images/category/26/dad 02.webp

Efectとかいう範囲型ダメージが割増しになるらしいけどライトニングストライクと爆発ってそういう扱いになるんかしら|4月14日「Dark and Darker」まとめ

Dark and Darker ランキング 注目の話題
2024年04月14日 08:10

コソコソしてるのが1番強いゲームの何が面白いんだよ本当に調整してるヤツらクビにした方がいいわ|4月7日「Dark and Darker」まとめ

Dark and Darker 強い
2024年04月07日 09:10
/storage/images/category/26/dad 01.webp

ウィズウォロローグレンあたり、PTならバードも有り|3月31日「Dark and Darker」まとめ

Dark and Darker 強い
2024年03月31日 09:10