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Dark and Darker ランキング 注目の話題
2024年05月12日 08:10

Is Dark And Darker A Stolen Game? | Asmongold Reacts

Dark and Darker
2023年02月19日 18:10
Derpy2023/02/19(日) 08:41
Nexon has faked their gacha rates before for maplestory, so I wouldn't say they're exactly clean.
김태형2023/02/19(日) 07:58
Nexon is one of the largest companies in Korea, but it is notorious for inducing billing and manipulating probabilities. I wanted an Iron Mace developer. Please keep the dnd.
Bob Bobson2023/02/19(日) 07:04
Man even if they DID steal things from Nexon... It's Nexon. Fuck Nexon lmao.
USDA Prime2023/02/19(日) 07:00
To date Asmongold's Dark and Darker streams have been my most favorite.
chuy2023/02/19(日) 06:41
If a video or a news article title is a question, the answer is always yes or no, depending which is the most boring. Here for this, the answer is no.
Socialization2023/02/19(日) 05:45
It's just like that video 'Don't buy Atomic Heart', boycott the game because it was developed by Rus. I know we all hate Nexon ok? I'm Korean and I hate that fkers but really? you all just saying Nexon bad and Iron Mace good without looking further into this garbage? Put some gd effort looking for actual information before posting shitty comments guys
Cataphract2023/02/19(日) 05:38
l take we can absolutely seize the means
E C2023/02/19(日) 05:28
Dog viewing 10/10
Jaime_FANG2023/02/19(日) 04:30
They are spewing all this shit but there’s no legit sources? What kind of CNN/FOX news shit is this? Why report this shit off of nothing
Rain2023/02/19(日) 04:26
From Ironmace's website: "We are a merry band of veteran game developers disillusioned by the exploitative and greedy practices we once helped create. We are experts who have worked on many of the biggest hits in Korea." I have a feeling that some of them came from Nexon, resigned, and are now disgruntled that their game is doing extremely well. Though of course, this might just be made by some guy who wanted to destroy the reputation of both companies.
SUN'S out GUNTS out2023/02/19(日) 03:20

? like how this YouTuber said they worked 30-40 hour days & Asmond stares blankly at his screen. Couple of gamers who apparently play for 30-40 hour days. ?
Kookie2023/02/19(日) 03:16
Nexon's dungeon crawler game would just be a fuckin P2W grindfest, fuck that shit
박포기2023/02/19(日) 03:14
Nexon is a company with a labor union, so it is not possible to get fired for taking out data without permission.

The reason he received the highest level of discipline, disciplinary dismissal, was because he offered collective retirement to his teammates.

During this process, the direct reason Nexon disciplined him was that he suggested preparing and releasing a similar game, citing external investment, as the project they were working on would not be released.

Nexon sued the director in August 2021, and Iron Mason was established in October of the same year.

I am Korean, and I hate Nexon... but I think The director's actions were morally wrong.
MrNic2023/02/19(日) 03:11
AdjustingMyThreshold2023/02/19(日) 03:04
I’m horrible at dark and darker but god damn is it fun.
Kevlord2023/02/19(日) 02:48
I have this feeling that i seen Dark and darker in a different unrelated place as a title or something. I have no clue where and it does not matter, just annoying to not be sure. Maybe i am thinking about darker then black anime... but somehow i don't think so. Is there any media where dark and darker has been used? I am simply curious. I hate brain farts.
davey reed2023/02/19(日) 02:13
Dark and Darker is the only game I care to play.. I want it back, don't hate on it!
KnowSage2023/02/19(日) 02:11
Who cares about this game? Its made for 30+ year old boomers that are gonna play it for 4 days with their even older friend and never touch it again.
DiggerDog2023/02/19(日) 02:09
Oh yeah! What's up Mr. Cheezle!
Nostromo2023/02/19(日) 02:08
Wow. Asian dev houses stealing each other's and other ppl's IPs...? NO! ?
Shady Dave2023/02/19(日) 02:02
@ 01:53
From Ironmace's about us page: "We are a merry band of veteran game developers disillusioned by the exploitative and greedy practices we once helped create. We are experts who have worked on many of the biggest hits in Korea.

We’ve seen first hand how corporate game companies sell their soul for the easy payday. We are disappointed to see them doubling down on more and more exploitative practices, becoming more like casinos instead of bringing joy to gamers.

​We’re fighting to win back the hearts of gamers around the world. We believe that by creating games with soul, and by respecting our users we can usher in a renaissance of awesome video games direct from Korea."
Asshole Psychologist2023/02/19(日) 02:02
As far as copyright goes, you are completely 100% ALLOWED to take a game idea and make a clone of it. The things you CANNOT copy, are the direct IP (the universe of the game, character's names, specific places, etc.), the art assets, and the code.

So for example: You cannot take their exact file of "Barrel Asset 01" and place it into your game, but you can absolutely make a new "Barrel Asset" and use that..... You cannot take the exact code for some part of the game, like the code for blocking with a shield, but you can absolutely write new code that allows you to block with a shield... You cannot copy the exact setting for a game, like saying "this game takes place in Hogwarts" but you can absolutely make a new story about a school for training wizards, it just can't use names like "Hogwarts".

So even if Ironmace is taking the whole concept of the game they worked on at Nexon as a basis... as long as they create completely new assets and write the code themselves, they are 100% in the clear.

Even if they signed an NDA they are OK because they aren't disclosing information about the Nexon project... now if they signed a "Non-Compete", it might be a little different, though given the fact that Nexon didn't release the project I don't know if they can be considered 'competing' against a Nexon product.
Dubz Da Skrub2023/02/19(日) 01:58
I knew some big wigs were going to try and fuck them over. Nexon the game company that has a shit cs 1.6 clone complaing somebody stole from them. Lmao.
Groove Gamer2023/02/19(日) 01:46
It just looks like most first person dungeon crawlers, only difference is this one is pvpve.
MineBorder2023/02/19(日) 01:40
I'm guessing one of the employees probably used assets from Nexon after working for them. Sucks to see, I think if a person makes assets for a game they should have ownership over it, especially if nothing was published.
Pookie2023/02/19(日) 01:31
even then, do we want nexon to hold Dark and Darker? known for making massive p2w games in Korea? I don't know, bros..
Dubz Da Skrub2023/02/19(日) 02:13
If nexon goes anywhere near DnD I will never touch it again. Which is sad because I have not had that much fun playing a game in a long time
You_tub2023/02/19(日) 01:07
Ill just say it. Its elder scrolls blade
Ez Harkonnus2023/02/19(日) 12:55
who cares its onepeg...
RyanTMHG2023/02/19(日) 12:19
Has asmongold ever given his opinion on the story of Robin Hood? I know this seems arbitrary but I think this is supposed to be one of the more moral portrayals of stealing, however Asmon is seemingly against stealing whatsoever and if everyone acted like Robin Hood is written society would mot be able to runz
Vampir Zhul2023/02/19(日) 12:14
It is quite easy to verify if those game assets were made at Nexon or bought at UE store I guess... Although it may have been tempting for DnD devs to reuse unused fantasy assets from P3 canceled project I hope they haven't been stupid enough to do so.
GUNDAM2023/02/18(土) 11:55
3:11 - Yes it is exactly the same except the boss model is different.
It's the Red Down portal boss room.
Baelein2023/02/18(土) 11:53
A lot of assets in Dark and Darker are very simple and would take little time and effort to make so I doubt highly any of them are stolen.
Clurious2023/02/18(土) 11:50
Robin Hood developers lol
sundaefunday2023/02/18(土) 11:16
hey asmon! if u get mad by dying in dark and darker just remember you can lose all your loot but you still keep your exp! :) yw
Spartandan2023/02/18(土) 11:16
It says it on their home page 3:35
FloridaMulletMan50002023/02/18(土) 11:16
I'm gonna be honest at this point I don't give a shit if any of it is stolen. It's one of the best games that has come out in awhile and I'm not letting a dumbass youtube investigation piece ruin it for me
Spartandan2023/02/18(土) 11:12
Who cares. I need more dark and darker
Ryoko-Sha2023/02/18(土) 11:10
It can only be stolen if they really stole code one by one. But if they developed a similar game with unique or own code they cant do anything. Thats why they try to get them with the assets
Slammed Volvo2023/02/18(土) 11:04
I hope this isn't true, I love nexon, their games kinda died but maplestory and combat arms will always have a heavy amount of nostalgia especially the music from maplestory. Anytime a youtuber has maplestory music I instantly get hit with a wave of memories
Dawn Chatman2023/02/18(土) 10:51
This reminds me of Bluehole being accused of stealing assets for Tera from..... I forget now, Lineage?
CLASIX2023/02/18(土) 10:45
Source: I never lie
moo mäh2023/02/18(土) 10:24
Copyright has been abused by companies for decades, and companies like Disney were and are still lobbying for increasing the time until something becomes public domain, so I want to throw the following questions into the room.
Let say devs come up with an idea and start developing the game, just for the publisher to shut it down, are they now not allowed to make the same or similar game by themselves? If an artist creates art (in gaming this can be 3D models) in his style for a company and then leaves, is he not allowed to create more art in the same style?

Copyright, trademarks and patents are, are very questionable as they opened doors for extreme abuse like Apple suing and apple seller for using a similar logo even though the apple sellers company existed already before Apple existed. Also many inventions were stolen by people like Edison, that simply patented them as their own ideas. Or what about the fidget spinner inventor that couldn't afford to renew the patent and when they took off, selling in millions, she didn't profit.
Btw, I should have patented wearing T-Shirts over sweaters, what I did as a child as a joke. Years later companies were actually selling this, only that the T-Shirt was sewn to the sweater. xD
Ad Free2023/02/18(土) 10:23
Even if they've stolen some assets or code from another game, It would change the minds of all the fans it's built up right now.
Wouldn't change my mind either and the 2+ million adventurers that have joined the community throughout the playtests.

And i highly doubt they'd make a gacha system with in the game with real money.
But i know for sure is, skins are supposed to be bought with real money once the full release starts and adventurers currency will be removed.
skio1472023/02/18(土) 10:19
So the developers took their project elsewhere, good for them. I sure hope they just find that the art work is similar (since its the same people) and not straight lifted.
Thomas Brown2023/02/18(土) 10:17
This sounds, at least for the time being, like hearsay that someone is putting out to try to bring down a popular game or devs they might have a grudge against.
nLtiro2023/02/18(土) 10:08
Asmon you just gotta get good or accept that you are bad if you want your "tilt level" to stay low
CamperCarl002023/02/18(土) 10:06
I'm pretty certain the claim is a whole load of bull coming from a disgruntled employee who didn't leave to make Dark and Darker. It's anonymous with no proof except for screenshots of a similar genre game in a different engine. You normally can't just copy code and assets and put it into a new engine, and even if they made a model inspired by an old one it would be a new asset and couldn't be sued over. Almost the entire team hopped over, so even without taking code, they can just as easily make something similar.

The fact that P3 only has screenshots could also indicate that the game was not in a playable state. Many game companies are horrible with data retension, deleting code and assets they no longer plan to use. The fact that these screenshots are being displayed as the core evidence it seems that either the game itself is in a poor or broken state or has been deleted/frankensteined altogether. While I don't know korean copyright law, those screenshots should not meet the burden of proof needed to win a lawsuit.
Radosław Petkowski2023/02/18(土) 10:05
there new proffs that 75 % procent of game was on usb drives taken by former nexon employes and was p3 sorce code.
Dubz Da Skrub2023/02/19(日) 02:11
kdhlkjhdlk2023/02/18(土) 09:40
Stolen IP? The game is generic as shit.
Anthony Faiell2023/02/18(土) 09:33
It appears they didn't actually steal anything. However, by this argument that "it's their right to do so" I guess everyone here is completely against Edward Snowden letting us know how deeply the government was monitoring us. Would you argue that he was wrong to "steal" software that he helped design to show the public what was actually going on? This also leaks into the death penalty argument. If someone goes around rapes 10 women and blows up a school building... would we say it's still not ok to kill him because killing is wrong?? Here is another controversial one, I guess drug companies just have the right to charge whatever they want for their life saving drugs. Over the past few decades life saving drug prices have gone up in price over 9000%... It would probably be a really great thing if some people started creating and distributing them for cheaper. People want so bad for the world to simply be black and white, and first world comforts protect us from having to make any real difficult decisions in regards to morality. But the world is not black and white.
An analogy lies in the trolley ethical problem. Train coming down tracks that split. 5 people lay on the path the train is moving. 1 person lays on the optional path. You have a lever. If you press the lever the train moves to the optional path. Do you pull the lever, killing one person and saving 5. Or do nothing, ensuring 5 people will die. Most people choose to do nothing here simply because they can pretend like they did nothing wrong because they did not directly kill someone. People will often not challenge their core values even if it results in a greater outcome. Good thing most of our core values were instilled in us through politics and law rather than basic logic (sarcasm).
Lucas Rogers2023/02/18(土) 09:31
I'm not even sure you should make the vide if your only source is an article that... has no sources.
Shaun Smith2023/02/18(土) 09:23
Maybe a Company has exodus of seasoned employees, sees them being successful. Does what it can to take them down?
Vilxx Black2023/02/18(土) 09:17
The game looks dogshit anyway. Looks like a bunch of unreal engine free assets cobbled together.
Jozsua2023/02/18(土) 09:16
I think the reason that this situation, if true, is fine because assuming that these are all the developers of the game'P3', and they all decided to 'secede' into their own company, it is essentially their own work and possibly their own idea, simply owned in name only by Nexon. But, there is so little information, so I digress.
Amanita Muscaria2023/02/18(土) 09:11
>when you buy your assets from the same place
AwkwardCynicTV2023/02/18(土) 09:04
Oh god dont let this game die before it launches
Albert2023/02/18(土) 08:58
I dont fucking care, just let me play it. Don't be fucking around with it development
EcnalKcin2023/02/18(土) 08:45
I think dark and darker would be a great game for micro transactions. You pay $100 for some some epic gear, then get mobbed by some skilled free to play players, and now they have some $100 gear for free.
vu ton2023/02/18(土) 09:03
please stop.
Jax2023/02/18(土) 08:43
old intro!!!!! thank god
MANFLESH2023/02/18(土) 08:42
one peg?
EcnalKcin2023/02/18(土) 08:40
13:20 It is wrong to steal, but if a company uses their power to screw me over, I have no problem using those same rules to screw the company over.

For example, as a third party seller on Amazon, someone used a return scam by switching serial number stickers and sending back a different device on one of my first sales on the platform. I caught it immediately, and proved it was a scam because the problem they claimed they had with the device was impossible to have because the problem the device they sent me actually had prevented it from getting to the point of the claimed problem. Amazon made me refund the buyer, and let them keep my working device, because they choose to interpret my listing as violating the condition definition, after moving the goal posts twice before that when I countered their initial reasons for refunding the buyer.

Around that time, Amazon started to sell their own used video games. Turns out, there were some games that were only every released as essentially collector's editions, with no "normal" version. Amazon would sell those games with just the discs, case, and artwork, and fail to itemize all the missing items, or even match the proper condition. In the end I made hundreds of dollars by buying their listings up, and then calling Amazon on their failure to match condition requirements, just like they had done with me.

They no longer do that, now they do the "renewed" scam. They can't say "refurbished" because that likely has a legal definition, so they say "renewed". I also moved almost entirely to ebay, because Amazon is a nightmare of a platform to try and sell used items on.
Wesley Parks2023/02/18(土) 08:39
Yea , it’s been stolen from us twice ! Come back soon ?
Kuma2023/02/18(土) 08:37
Yea. You dont have to say anymore. I already knew it was bullshit after that single word.
Fuck Nexon lmao.
Gemayel Daniel2023/02/18(土) 08:27
If anything this shows how big corporations that make/publish games nowadays have no clue what a hit game idea even if it came literally from their own studios
Thanatos2023/02/18(土) 08:25
Seems like a garbage company is mad they cancelled a game and the devs left and made it on their own (and it was massively successful when they did)
Zi Prophet2023/02/18(土) 08:22
Didn't Nexon also make Combat Arms too though? That company is very good, but some of the micro transactions are dumb af.
Conman Games322023/02/18(土) 08:21
Lol ppl saying why not to your explanation at the end just shows how daft ppl think. It's not OK no matter what. Even if you don't like it and try to justify it. End of. Don't look for excuses it's just wrong. It's as wrong morally as how wrong you think the company is. Although I do like dark and darker. Would hope its not true but if it is then its because they did wrong. And no matter what there should be reprocussions in that instance.
Marty McFly2023/02/18(土) 08:20
The truth is they could have hired a 3d artist or bought some assets and that's it. As asmond says it's a couple of barrels and weapons, it's not like there are so many assets in the game or super high quality level.
Upon Eric2023/02/18(土) 09:04
Well they both bought the same assets from the unreal store so that's why they look the same ?
TheMadMedek2023/02/18(土) 08:20
Doesn’t matter if you steal an idea. If that idea isn’t trademarked. As long as you don’t steal property.
Dog Food2023/02/18(土) 08:20
No. End of video.
Terkan2023/02/18(土) 08:19
If they were told to stop developing a good game, and they all left and made it on their own anyways, I'm completely morally supportive of that.

Any laws to the contrary are poorly written laws, in my opinion.
Blootra2023/02/18(土) 08:18
people are gonna come after indie gaming companies, just because they are doing good.
KD2023/02/18(土) 08:14
it is hunt showdown but very clunky and the theme is worse, not to mention the combat, slowmo clown fiesta
KD2023/02/18(土) 08:17
idk why people dont give the deserved glory hunt should have rather than some clown games like this
node2023/02/18(土) 08:05
Dose dark n darker have vr?
bj_cat 102023/02/18(土) 08:01
Nexon also made another game, nexon counter strike or "caogirls strike", a pay2win fps game with overly sexualized characters
Joel2023/02/18(土) 07:58
If you have only one source then you should remain silent. If NEXON did not copyright or trademark the models or items then boo hoo. Also you cannot copyright or trademark the rules, or premise of a fictional work. So I still am waiting to hear how this is a type of intellectual theft.
Leeon2023/02/18(土) 07:45
i doubt this story is true because the game is filled with already made assets from the unreal engine marketplace. So they aren't stealing they are just buying assets which you know is a lil different.
Hurbieo2023/02/18(土) 07:41
Nexon uses free assets all the time in their games.
Alexius2023/02/18(土) 07:32
If they got the art team from the other project ofcourse its going to look similar.... need some receipts for actual stolen things to take it seriously :3
TheCritic2023/02/18(土) 07:29
they might have the legal right to do with their game what they want, but as long as it is to my benefit i support anything that hurts a big company
XenoSpyro2023/02/18(土) 07:23
Nexon was responsible for MapleStory, but they also had Combat Arms, so I can't be completely mad at them.
Spookylov2023/02/18(土) 07:11
There is a weird unjustified hype around this game. the gameplay looks clunky, the art and color is bland, and the gameloop is repetative. what is good about this game?
Lucky Nugget2023/02/18(土) 07:09
I could not stop laughing when he said 30-40 hour workdays.
SUN'S out GUNTS out2023/02/19(日) 03:24
So few found that interesting. Must be alot of "hard workers" out there like Onepeg & Asmond.
-Grizzly-2023/02/18(土) 07:05
who cares finally a game that holds for being fun and entertaining
La sucette fromagé2023/02/18(土) 07:02
i like this game, and im sure no smoke without fire but when this happen normaly ppl attack and after we talk, just rumors is a bit meh....
roddy8642023/02/18(土) 07:00
So the real question is we should ask is it okay to steal a product you made for someone else. Oh and everything in business is self serving and if they are telling you they aren't they are lying.
Michael Siza2023/02/18(土) 06:59
"where do you draw the line if its just what you decide"....immediately followed by justifying stealing of assets. Slippery slope but not when you do it?
NimmHa2023/02/18(土) 06:56
I bet that's the ubisoft team that hated on elden ring.
Rectorol2023/02/18(土) 06:51
Holy shit reacting to OnePeg hot damn ?
Cobs2023/02/18(土) 06:49
Asmon watching onepeg is an interesting crossover to tarkov community
roddy8642023/02/18(土) 06:46
TBH I really hate the loud obnoxious intros that most youtubers have.
Ender Elohim2023/02/18(土) 06:44
16:00 ideas are not protected by law and Thanks god they are not and you would actually understand it because you know how much problem of ip rules. Game mechanics, ideas, rules are not protected so we can keep making games or it would be dead so far
ROFLWAFFLELAWL2023/02/18(土) 06:37
So AFAIK Iron Mace stated that after years and years of working on these gatcha like P2W games that they have no plan to do that with Dark and Darker.

Pestily also did an interview with the developer and it was really good. Gives you an idea of where their heads at and I'm pretty confident they won't be stealing assets and won't be making a P2W game.
Rainbow Dash2023/02/19(日) 04:19
What interview?
Bly Zeraz2023/02/18(土) 06:34
"Nexon claims" so it isn't true. Ok. That's the whole conversation.
M N2023/02/18(土) 06:32
I knew it was fake the moment they said they stole IP from a Japanese company and there wasn't any actual backlash. And an indie dev, no less.
김서현2023/02/18(土) 06:32
I am Korean and I have lived in Korea. This case has already been closed in Korea. Nexon is a

company that all Koreans hate from the beginning. They hate it more than Americans hate EA. This case has already spread widely through

Nexon's media, and Nexon's accusation against Iron Mason has already been concluded due to insufficient evidence and has not yet been prosecuted. This case was a press play by a large company to kill an indie game developer. Please don't ever be fooled. This is what we gamers hate the most.
Fin Fen2023/02/18(土) 07:15
Thank you for the update!
ChrisH8112023/02/18(土) 08:57
Imagine companies focused their energy on being for the people they make things for, and not against. So sad.
CrossedKatana2023/02/18(土) 11:35
Are there any sources you can supply to back this statement up?
WJ Lee2023/02/18(土) 11:48
@@CrossedKatana  I can tell you, that post is a lie. Even in Korea this is getting mixed opinion. Both side are getting blamed, but no-one is agreeing for stealing being ok.
Sephiroso2023/02/19(日) 12:48
Seems like not all Koreans hate them or even the majority given how much money they make. I still have a soft spot for 1990s Nexon though for making Nexus TK that was re-branded into the mmo Dark Ages for us western players though.
Cloud 92023/02/18(土) 06:28
well...if it is true then it's clear the head boss man who shot down the game needs to rethink some things. DnD is clearly popular and will be successful.
Sasoripwns2023/02/18(土) 06:24
It also looks like forewarned. Maybe games sometimes look similar in textures
A Guy2023/02/18(土) 06:22
I hope nothing comes out of the Nexon thing. Dark and Darker is one of the best games I have ever played.
Charlie Chuckleberry2023/02/18(土) 06:22
Video: There are no sources for this story from a faker news site than fake news.
Me: I never cared before watching this video, and now I care less