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Halo Infiniteの人気の記事

Halo Infinite Deserves a Second Chance

Halo Infinite
2023年08月21日 17:10
Ja'Crispy BBQ2023/08/21(月) 07:55
Can someone tell 343 to add an option to turn off aim assist on mouse and key pleeassssee
GhostSlay3r2023/08/21(月) 07:40
They will get a second chance when they add Campaign Split-Screen Co-op. Until that time, I'm continuing to boicot the game.
Brass Garden2023/08/21(月) 07:30
no it doesn't + didn't watch the video
Mr Skits2023/08/21(月) 06:55
I've tried so many times to enjoy this game but I'm tired of PvP, I need some PvE besides the campaign. I need Firefight and I pray it won't just be a rework of the arena we see near the end of the campaign and NO OTHER MAPS. 😂
Joshua Burks Way2023/08/21(月) 06:49
I still think they need to make the game feel more like Halo and less like Fortnite, with grenade and rocket explosions that have more weight to them, at the moment they look a bit like cardboard cut outs… also the vehicles just don’t feel quite right compared to previous Halo games
Inigo Arroyo2023/08/21(月) 06:33
Second chance? Just like Halo 4, MCC, and Halo 5? Too little too late champ, they had their chance, and they blew it.
Zivin2023/08/21(月) 06:10
Proves to show that 343 halo sucks and that the old maps are the goat
CodyViews2023/08/21(月) 06:01
Squad battle with the old halo maps has been the best thing in halo since 343 got the ip
MASTER TROLL2023/08/21(月) 06:01
No, i dont care.
Sam Taylor2023/08/21(月) 05:54
I can’t wait to get back into Halo
BigBirdMan142023/08/21(月) 05:48
The maps are horrendous, still can't stand this game
jeff boachie2023/08/21(月) 05:14
Let's put some shine on that forge map Terminus, remake/re-imagining of the glorious Terminal map!

Let's get this bad boy added to MM squad battle specifically.
Justin Carson2023/08/21(月) 05:04
I want them to fix that northeast part of the campaign map. A LOT of left over content just floating there. DLC?
Venom4152023/08/21(月) 05:03
I came back after leaving in S1, the game for sure has done good things but if it launched the way it is now id still say it was rough. Lots to fix be it UI issues, hackers, lack of weapons and vehicles, the campaign as a whole, and the whole monetization system being the worst thing we've gotten in halo ever.. I love the gameplay and its addicting, but halo can be better, we cant sing praises yet for getting things that should have been there on launch. I hope for the best but its a long road ahead to besting the past games.
Temporary_Error_2023/08/21(月) 05:03
Halo Infinite will get a second chance once we give another company the chance to work on it.
emerald38582023/08/21(月) 04:39
Just wanna see playable elites, and if they have the balls playable brutes since this game, pretty much is about the brutes, so it kinda makes sense. I'm tired of playing as a spartan.
Replayzs2023/08/21(月) 04:24
I have not played Infinite in 2 months. I keep telling myself I'm a hop back on it than I don't. The gaming community has just been loving to shit on Halo's existence and I think that's what keeps me from hoping on it. It demotivates me from wanting to play it. I genuinely think the gameplay of Infinite is some of Halos best and the campaign despite I've only played it once at launch and haven't touched it since is amazing. Just felt like the open world could've been better than it was. Also having no squad to play this game and being forced to play solo doesn't help.
BatteryFlaccid2023/08/21(月) 04:16
Agreed. My favorite FPS right now. Lots of epic moments each day I play with little to no technical problems
JonYugen2023/08/21(月) 04:10
I'll give it a second try once they allow cross core compatibility. Otherwise, I'm not gonna bother. Ever since Reach, I've been really big on our ability to customize our spartan the WAY we want and not to be limited by stupid money grabbing practices. Which tbh, doesn't even work on a lot of people. Why would you limit purchased cosmetics to specific cores when the only ones I'd buy at that point are going to be the ones for the Mark V, which is the one I only use. I don't mind spending money on cosmetics as long as I can use it on whatever I want to. For me it feels like they're limiting the money they can get from me by doing armor cores. : |
Whaccd2023/08/21(月) 04:09
Halo with the boys in 2023 is actually so fun. Halo Infinite has so much to offer now and that feels great to say.
Kannabi2023/08/21(月) 07:37
Such as what? It looks about the same as when it launched...
Jumperrr2023/08/21(月) 03:46
does raida tell me where enemies are now, if so i'll give it a chance
Vincent chief2023/08/21(月) 03:45
Vincent chief2023/08/21(月) 03:45
dude ur vid are insane dude!
UberNick2023/08/21(月) 03:57
I hope in a good way? Haha
Original-0212023/08/21(月) 03:36
ive seen games with bad launches like no mans sky come back and thrive in the gaming community,if no mans sky can do it,infinite can do it too.
Theron Sneed2023/08/21(月) 03:33
im glad the games doing better but i cant get past the removal of split screen, or moreover the promise of it baiting me into buying it and having the promise revoked afterwards
Armyofonev82023/08/21(月) 03:30
Absolutely not. Companies need to learn that this shit is far beyond unacceptable.
Goob2023/08/21(月) 03:25
I miss Spartan Ops.
supershadow3432023/08/21(月) 03:03
Should look up handler who's a chill cod player and mostly do cod videos but he too jumped on halo infinite and he was having a good time
Choomah2023/08/21(月) 02:57
I don't think you were very 'die-hard' I remember you made a video during Season two or season three that you made saying you kind of...given up on halo or at least until it improved.
goddard Josh2023/08/21(月) 02:55
but will it?
quizr2023/08/21(月) 02:42
The desync and physics issues are still rampant enough to severely effect the overall experience, and EVERY one of my teams is a bunch of roleplayers while the enemy team is a 4 stack. Every time. Without fail.
The game has got better, but its still a broken foundation that will haunt us for the rest of the time we play this game. Its up to Unreal Engine to save this tbh. I cannot see 343 physically being able to get this game into a state where you cant FEEL the spaghetti code and duct tape breaking apart at the seams. Because currently the only shooter with jankier bugs is BF2042.
If you enjoy being backsmacked by people you are Facing, then you'll love this game.
SNAP2023/08/21(月) 02:39
I want more control over our sensitivity and acceleration. I want to fine tune it - If I’m at 3 and want to go to 3.5 then drop it to 3.33 or 3.25 - I feel like we should have that option.

Also improve mouse acceleration. Halo is the only game I’d consider turning it on lol
Lachdanan2023/08/21(月) 02:15
Gimme WZ
Matti Ketola2023/08/21(月) 02:01
As a keyboard and mouse player since day 1 its barely better, but either way I'm still on the grind and hit Diamond recently.
John The Arc 2023/08/21(月) 01:58
You've been patient with 343 and kept the dream alive even when everyone was dropping the game and you're one of the reasons that I've been grinding it ever since I got my new PC. Infinite is a blast. Even though there are fundamental issues I've got with the live service model, I can't deny that the game is a lot of fun. Hope I can get good soon enough to finish the battle pass before S5 drops. EDIT: I'm hoping for some new, retro-like armor cores and pieces. A GEN 3 Mk6 core based on the Halo 3 framework would be fantastic to live my SPARTAN-II fantasies, and I'd also like to see some Orion-class armor for the Mk7 or Mirage cores.
Kannabi2023/08/21(月) 07:27
He's one of the people who privately tested and helped sculpt the final game, lying to us all while he did it... And he's a youtuber, he needs the game to succeed so that he can have more success, cant trust anything he says. I have a youtube extension that shortedns videos to be more useful and it shortened this video to 4 mins long its so full of fluff lol.
Xeroxasaurus2023/08/21(月) 01:42
The game is so fun, I don't think I am even exaggerating by saying its the best gameplay/sandbox/mechanics of any FPS I have ever played. There are so many different ways to play and approach each match its crazy. Its a ton of fun.
PumpOfWallStreet2023/08/21(月) 01:22
Halo infinite actually doesn't. I find it hilarious that all of the sudden these videos are coming out as if people are getting paid.

Guess what, desync still isn't fixed.
Cam2023/08/21(月) 01:21
It doesn’t deserve a second chance, the sbmm put into this game is a spit in the face to all their longtime fans. F*** 343 industries
TheUnderDog2023/08/21(月) 01:16
No, they don't. It took them damn-near 2 years to get to this point after the game was "released". On top of that, they had to fire the entire campaign staff to achieve it and for what? Just so they can keep milking MTX from their live-service garbage. As a campaign fan first and foremost, 343 has lost my trust for the final time. I won't stand by and watch them destroy my favorite franchise anymore. No more second chances. Halo is dead
Itzame2023/08/21(月) 12:55
Too late, even the premium pass is not worth buying this time around
KenKaiOP2023/08/21(月) 12:50
I really am looking forward to firefight. I often get tired of matchmaking so whenever I do but want to keep playing, I just create a custom game with bots and goof off and have mindless fun. I’d really love a new campaign to play with some new places to explore
Snapz2023/08/21(月) 12:48
The argument against forge maps is just complete BS from people who whine that there coffee is too hot...
The amount of money and effort it takes to create a mode such as forge is incredible, I would probably say that's where 343i put most of their R&D into. What makes Halo Halo, is the community, and having community built maps creates a community driven game and THOSE are the games that last...
Hakai Shin2023/08/21(月) 12:33
Still a laundry list of shit wrong and missing.

But hey, this is the cycle when it comes to Halo and this is exactly why you keep garbage Halo on repeat on launch. They know they can keep releasing unfinished, buggy optimized games, with working cash ships on repeat cuz eventually the youtubers will hop back on the dick and promote the game for us in a year or two.

We have been in this cycle for over a decade now and people need to wake tf up and say no.
TealSide2023/08/21(月) 12:23
Bot Bootcamp please make a return. Hopefully they can adjust the XP gained per match and re-release it in season five.
Lincoln Oakley2023/08/21(月) 12:18
0:50 My thoughts, exactly 👍
BaggyFTJ2023/08/21(月) 12:15
It doesn’t
Trent Robertson2023/08/21(月) 12:10
Sorry to break it to you UberNick but Halo Infinite is not where it should have been on launch because the campaign still needs to be expanded upon and that is obviously never going to happen because they don't care about campaign.
CoughSyrup2023/08/21(月) 03:00
Small campaign team also it was a acceptable campaign people hoping for a dlc its possible but unlikely never had a campaign dlc for halo before other than hw2
Mirage Main2023/08/21(月) 12:09
frankly what they shouldve done is launch the campaign first and open the multiplayer when it was actually good to go and not for free
Luis Alberto Gomez2023/08/21(月) 12:06
What they stopepd selling colors as microtransactions? No, Im good.
Aaron2023/08/20(日) 11:45
The struggles they had, EVERYONE Had in those two years of the pandemic.

I think they should be cut some slack for that. Everyone had bad launches during that time. Nearly everyone.

Shit happens. The game is FREE. So I do not see it remotely justified for people to have been as angry as they were. It was PURELY waiting. For something you didn't pay for.
Sammmarru2023/08/20(日) 11:41
I think the idea of an even bigger big team battle would be cool, i mean look at how fun battlebit looks.
Watty2023/08/20(日) 11:38
By far has been 20x more enjoyable than launch. Came back after over a year and it’s been my favorite casual shooter to relax
Ed2023/08/20(日) 11:38
Still waiting for mix armor cores and firefight. Kinda avoid infinite cause I’m not a fan of advance movement. But I’ll give it another go when firefight comes out
Lil Intro Vert2023/08/20(日) 11:35
firefight please
Dr McBoofus2023/08/20(日) 11:31
343 doesn't deserve ANY second chances after 10 years of garbage.
Proper Motions2023/08/20(日) 11:20
no cross core, no reason to play
ark14702023/08/20(日) 11:15
Halo Infinite won't die, event Halo Reach and 4, years after released, only had 8-10k players shown in the matchmaking menu, yet was still alive.

There's a dedicated fanbase who love Halo's gameplay and Sandbox, Infinite's gameplay is one of the best of the series, and the Devs are constantly updating it as a live service.
Captain Grimm2023/08/20(日) 11:14
I just came back and am having a blast hosting 28 player infection on a tweaked version Silent Cartographer I did in forge.

Too fun
AtomicMax2023/08/20(日) 11:12
I finally finished the season one battle pass since launch, that’s how bad the game was, and I might start playing it again… BUT I will argue that armor coatings should be scraped, the armor that’s in the shop SHOULD be in the battle pass, and they really need a new newer game mode
ark14702023/08/20(日) 11:12
Ok, I want to hop on Infinite now
Taylor Fraser2023/08/20(日) 11:11
I'll come back once I don't have to play in really bad SBMM games on 200-300 ping as I live in New Zealand and can never find games in my region
NovaSpartan192023/08/20(日) 11:07
Its not that much better than launch.
Max Headroom2023/08/20(日) 10:59
2:44 and 3:47 are pretty contradicting lol
UberNick2023/08/20(日) 11:54
I was saying that everyone loved Halo at one point but Halo Infinite isn't very popular so is more of a "niche"
Jericosha2023/08/20(日) 10:38
Make desync not so bad and I'll come back. As soon as you get into sweaty matches it gets pretty miserable.
Mumen Rider2023/08/20(日) 10:35
Halo infinite is finally fun and full of excitement. The gameplay is fun the movement is smooth and the gunplay feels good. The new content is great and the community is always active. Thanks for the OGs for continuing the support and gameplay even when the game was considered dead. The only critique I have is the aim magnetism is a little too strong on console. I'm not a huge fan of that.
TheNeoSabre2023/08/20(日) 10:28
I've just come back to Halo and like us all I'm a childhood goosebumpy Halo enjoyer and I saw Ranked Swat and I guess I make a full come back. I wish we had campaign challengers and what not like Reach but this is one hell of a start. Summit is also a really good benchmark! He's just a salt of the earth semi rage filled dude who's honest. He's shaped the curve of gaming online for years without a lot of people realising so hopefully it gives Halo a shot of nitro.
Fruffles712023/08/20(日) 10:13
It's good if the ui was better and I didn't have to restart matchmaking after every game I could start recommending it to my friends again
Rykker Jones2023/08/20(日) 10:11
I just can't stand how each update makes the game break in a new way, in fiesta the bots spawn and kill you while your doing the game intro
james campbell2023/08/20(日) 10:08
Im loving this game rn, i managed to get a "Boogeyman" medal earlier and finish my battlepass 😁 all the attention Halo is getting rn is well deserved 🔥
BoomBass2023/08/20(日) 10:03
No playable elites still :(
Aaron Markey2023/08/20(日) 10:01
No it doesn’t
Christian Valenzuela2023/08/20(日) 09:47
For me it's about presentation. Infinite still needs a solid look at its UI and presentation of the Career Rank and customisation menus.
T-wave2023/08/20(日) 09:47
As long as we don't get lobies i won't accept infinite's comeback.
meme boi2023/08/20(日) 09:54
Then your sad
vivek kumar2023/08/20(日) 09:45
Imagine being a halo fan but you can't play halo because you don't have enough money to buy a capable PC
orGomi2023/08/20(日) 09:44
Just a few generic things about this game kills me. Like no blood, outline on everything (no rvb) papier-mâché vehicles and that’s pretty much it besides a few niche things
Hygravity2023/08/20(日) 09:43
Insane gameplay I can’t lie it’s not like they made a shit game mechanically it was just lack of content and still they lack a lot but it’s a great game and whatever changes they made are great. I love all the new maps and they have a great countdown map from reach it’s my fav map rn
vol Rogue2023/08/20(日) 09:39
Let's hope whatever the Tatanka game is, can boost Infinite's player count
OathxX2023/08/20(日) 09:33
343 seems to have gotten the ball rolling with Infinite and have found their rhythm. Hopefully others give it another try and come back. It really is a lot of fun now :)
10 mins or less gameplay2023/08/21(月) 04:26
1v1 nick and u 👀 sweaty
Weston Jennings2023/08/20(日) 09:33
Hell yes!
Sean Kim2023/08/20(日) 09:32
The only thing to really bring back a player base is a good campaign
James Carlisle2023/08/20(日) 09:30
“Controller players have an advantage”
Yea except you’re forgetting the fact that anyone playing on an Xbox One is running at 30 frames per second ,sometimes less because there was literally no attempt at adaptation or minimize how much space it takes up
Rhoda Myers Parker2023/08/20(日) 11:42
Devs got a gun2023/08/20(日) 09:28
How many second chances is this game gonna get?
Willie B. Hardigan2023/08/20(日) 09:28
too late
The Incredible Fella2023/08/20(日) 09:27
Second chance? You clowns never stopped playing it. You, mint, footed ghost, and SeanW all continued to play this trash fire the entire time. What do you mean "second chance"?
A2392023/08/20(日) 09:23

There are better games launching feature-complete day 1. No reason to support lazy devs and crap publishers.
WorthFit2023/08/20(日) 09:23
Looking forward to pve ai in custom. i IMAGINE PEOPLE WILL MAKE RAIDS!!!!!
AmericanTism2023/08/20(日) 09:16
I want good customization
Dont even know gaming2023/08/20(日) 09:14
So whens split screen co op
Laerik _2023/08/20(日) 09:08
I have had my fingers crossed for H2A style grif ball for a long time
MP32023/08/20(日) 09:07
It’s officially average and what it should’ve been at launch
LUKE M82023/08/20(日) 09:04
Haven’t played since the beta, got to say the game is a blast! Hopefully the game gets better from here on out!
Juan2023/08/20(日) 08:46
Just wish they would go on a hiring spree to make a campaign expansion now that it looks like they found their rhythm.
adri.portal2023/08/20(日) 08:55
I remember some of the animators and other 3D artists saying they're rehired on Twitter through Uny and other 343 team interactions. Pierre Hintze has been doing a great job leading the charge
Juan2023/08/20(日) 09:04
@ adri.portal that’s great to hear
adri.portal2023/08/20(日) 08:45
WhiteInk472023/08/20(日) 08:40
Nope. I’m good. Other stuff to play.

They had their shot.
jarrod donaldson2023/08/20(日) 08:40
Halo does deserve a second chance. 343 does not
fastpace222023/08/20(日) 08:36
With banished ai being added to forge, I'm hoping that some one makes warzone from H5
Jimmy2023/08/20(日) 08:31
It has come a long way since I started playing Infinite. I love it.
Michael Pereda2023/08/20(日) 08:25
I noticed the twice amount of key board players playing infinite. Also the twice amount of cheaters too
Boom2023/08/20(日) 08:22
Got my orders 🙅
Joseph Farabee2023/08/20(日) 08:17
Whats the thing in the top left? i forgot what Nick said it was from a previous video, where can i go to get it